I learned yesterday that I was speaking at a breakfast meeting this morning in the 'education' slot. I asked a few questions before deciding which aspects of business networking to concentrate on.
There are a lot of opportunities for you to share your expertise and raise your profile at events. There are many more if you are prepared to speak at short or no notice! I have stepped in at the last minute on a number of occasions including some paid ones.
I don't prepare exactly what to say, but I have identified certain key messages and outlines for;
30 seconds
1 minute
2 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
40 minutes
1 hour 2 hours
Half Day
Full Day
I have, however, seen people refuse opportunities to speak because thay are not ready. If you don't feel ready then prepare a few options and the next time you get the opportunity take the plunge and volunteer to speak. Your audience will be on your side and it's a great way of helping people understand when and how to advocate you!
Good Networking!
Dave Clarke
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