Monday, April 20, 2009

How many people will be there at your networking event?

People often ask me "How many people will be at the event?". I usually ask them what they consider to be a good number. That can prove to be a difficult question to answer. Many people will start with a fairly high number.

The question came up in a conversation yesterday so I asked the person for an example of an event with a good number. He mentioned an open Chamber of Commerce event with 150 people there. I asked him how many people he had really good conversations with during that evening and he said 2 or 3.

Then he said "I guess what I really mean is that I consider a great event to be where I can have good quality conversations with up to 6 people. More than that & I can't do the follow up".

My own experience is that the knowledge sharing and relationship building takes place much faster in a smaller group. I know from our own NRG groups that the format works very well for between 8 & 40 people. At the upper level the dynamics change and then it's probably time to open another group.

Good Networking!
Dave Clarke
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