Monday, September 28, 2009

How does this networking work then?

In a recent three way conversation at a networking breakfast someone asked "how does this (networking) work?" and one of the others, a wealth management professional, told a quick story.

He explained that he had met an estate planning consultant about 6 months ago. He had got to know him and introduced a few people. He was then invited to a conference of lawyers, accountants and other professionals with an interest in estate planning. He had got to know a few of them and made a few more introductions. Recently the Estate Planner had given him a referral into one of the specialist family law firms he was hoping to build a relationship with.

He finished by saying "So that's it in a nutshell. I go to the networking groups where I will meet the right people for me, get to know some of the others, find out what they need and help where I can. Then good stuff happens for me."

Good Networking!
Dave Clarke
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