She certainly has a point about the importance of following up. My experience of marketing in general and networking in particular is that following up is the activity that really makes the difference. There is very little point in attending lots of events, delivering your pitch, chatting briefly with many different people and collecting boxes full of business cards you do nothing with.
You don't build profitable business relationships by hardly getting to know lots of different people!
You build those relationships by finding the real points of connection and then following up with different interactions over time. That includes regular participation in your networking group, follow up emails, follow up phone calls, follow up on Social Networks and most importantly of all, follow up 121 meetings.
In other words take the lead and become one of the proactive few. It is after all the first habit of highly effective people.*
*Read more on Stephen Covey's 7 habits in my article - Applying the 7 habits to your business networking.
Good Networking!
Dave Clarke