Thursday, June 25, 2009

Extending your networking online

I enjoyed reading a couple of NRG member blogs on the subject of online networking yesterday from Nancy Williams of Tiger Two and Keren Lerner of Top Left Design. I have written before about integrating your offline and online networking and more and more people are asking how and where! I believe that online networks give you a real opportunity to strengthen relationships with existing contacts as well as making new connections.

In 'Personal Power' Nancy makes the point that she spends more time on those online networks where she has met the people and it is part of a relationship building process. She says, "On the sites I am intimately involved with, I know the people I am speaking to on there personally. I have met many of them, I have shared lunch, drinks or an event with them. I have got to know them as human beings rather than as avatars. That makes my interaction with them a lot deeper because I know I am talking to a real person whom I like and look forward to building more of a relationship with."

In 'Networking – combining online and offline' Keren explains the power of combining the two and says, "We really would encourage you to get in touch with people when you have met them in real life via searching for them on one of the online networks where you may both be a member."

If you are not networking online ask your network where they are and join them there. If you are already networking online then have a fresh look for the people you may already know.

Good Networking!
Dave Clarke
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