Imagine you have this great new phone, with all kinds of wonderful applications. There is just one little problem, there is
one important application that you need and your phone doesn't support it. Do you learn to just live with what the manufacturer gives you? Or do you have options? For many, the solution is to “Jailbreak your phone”.
Though I am very proud of my degree as an electrical engineer from Purdue University, I don't know much about jailbreaking your phone. However, there is a very interesting blog called “What Do You Know” that recently spoke to the topic. It got me to thinking about us baby boomers who want to become entrepreneurs but haven't taken the step yet. What Do You Know...about Jailbreaking Your Life?
The Pwnage Tool & Jailbreaking an IPhone is the title of the post by Robert Bockenkamp. In all fairness, I need to start out by saying that Robert does not advocate jailbreaking your phone. He points out clearly that he is only explaining to you what it is.
I, on the other hand, not only want to explain to you what jailbreaking your life is, I want to encourage and possibly even help you in taking the step. But let's begin with Robert's definitions:
Pwnage Tools is a program that facilitates the jailbreaking of an IPhone or Ipod Touch.
Technical Definition of Jailbreak: The iPhone and iPod touch hack that allow users to gain access to the entire Unix file system. In Unix terms, this refers to changing the root of the directory tree to /.
Understandable Definition of Jailbreak: A hack that gains access to areas of the iPhone or iPod Touch that users aren’t supposed to mess with. Typically, this is an immediate prelude to either installing cool programs, unlocking the handset for use with another cellular network, or both.
Through jailbreaking, you are able to add additional applications to your iPhone or iPod Touch. It allows you to do so by adding an application called Cydia (firmware 2.x) or Installer (firmware 1.1.4 and below) to your iPhone or iPod Touch. It also also modding (changing) of your iPhone/iPod Touch application icons, wallpaper, dock, status bar, chat bubbles, weather backgrounds, keyboard
On to Jailbreaking your life
So, do words like the following interest you:
Ending the pawn age (pwnage)
Controlling parts of your life that you aren't supposed to mess with
Installing really cool programs into your life
- Are you tired of having to accept what is given to you?
Then it is probably time to begin thinking about how to Jailbreak Your Life. Many people us entrepreneurship as the tool to bring freedom into their lives.
Among baby boomers, entrepreneurship is fast becoming an alternative to the traditional retirement path. Americans aged 55 to 64 are starting businesses at a higher rate than any other age group.
But mooding, as in changing the mood of your cell phone, is also necessary for jailbreaking your life.
You have to change your thinking, your mindset, from that of an employee to that of a business owner.
You also have to learn new skills that might not have been used in your last job description. One of those key skills that you must introduce is how to master marketing. You can have the best product or service in the universe but you can't sell it if people don't know about it.
Plan Your Jailbreak
You can consume many resources in the process of starting your business. Let me recommend to you that you use the many free and low cost resources that are available on the Internet. I have become particularly interested in social media marketing as a free tool to help with marketing. You can find more about that at: The Secret Recipe...
I have also created for you a free resource directory at:
Join The Baby Boomer Entrepreneurs
and a video for you Baby Boomer Entrepreneurs You Need A Guide
Now - Click the links and check out the resources I have for you. Make a good plan to Jailbreak Your Life!
Shallie Bey
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