Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lemonade Stand Day - Inspiring Future Entrepreneurs

Prepared 4 Life: Inspiring Entrepreneurs, One Lemonade Stand at a Time - AOL Small Business

For years, the lemonade stand has been the symbol of entrepreneurship. With that thought in mind, Houston-based entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael Holthouse inspired the creation of National Lemonade Day. It happens on May 1 for the purpose of teaching youth about business.

As aspiring baby boomer entrepreneurs, we can think back to our experiences with lemonade stands from our youth. We can reconnect to what we believed before we became workers. We might have been trying to buy streamers for our bikes or a new pet. We knew we could solve our problem by solving the thirst problem of those around us.

If you need to reconnect with that time in your life, click the link and re-experience the moment through the eyes of today's youth.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

How Coachable Are You?

How Coachable Are You? « Ingrid Elfver

Just how coachable are you? Are you prepared to learn and expand to make the transition to being a baby boomer entrepreneur? Or, are you stuck on the situations that developed in your former career from which you are seeking semi-retirement?

Recently I became familiar with the work of Ingrid Elfver. She is a coach who works with other coaches to help them expand their abilities to serve their clients. She asked this same question, "How Coachable Are You?", in one of her recent blog posts. It stimulated me to think about how coachable I am personally and how coachable I expect my clients to be. You fan find my assessment of myself by reading my comments on her web page. Just click the title to this post and it will take you there.

Now, it is your turn. As you make the transition from being an employee to a baby boomer entrepreneurs, how coachable are you? Here is a video, Baby Boomer Entrepreneur- You Need A Guide, that may help you evaluate yourself.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Make Money With Local Business Premium Mailers

Make Money With Local Business Premium Mailers
How to Make Money While you Sleep!: A 7-Step Plan for Starting Your Own ProfitableOnline BusinessMake Money Online & Work from Home (Video Series #7)How to Make Money & Spend It God's Way (DVD)

Most businesses want to promote themselves in the best possible way. A half hearted attempt at a promotion can do more harm than good, so there is clearly a market for professionally printed designs, leaflets and brochures that tell the customer exactly what they can expect from that business.
Could you provide a service that helps businesses enhance their reputation and profits in your local area? There are three main ways you can do this, and you could even extend your service way beyond local businesses to include plenty of others over the entire country…
An outstanding website is the key to running a business like this successfully. If you are offering a premium product to promote someone’s business, your own site needs to be of just as good quality.
If you are looking to set up a completely new business then you can invest in the equipment needed to print these mailers yourself. Leasing it is a possibility if you don’t want to buy it outright, but you will still need to have the space to set it up.
A better option if you sell the product direct without the hassle of printing it yourself is to forge close ties with a local printer that produces excellent quality mailers and other similar products. If you say that you are intending to bring them a lot of new business they may be willing to give you a discount on every order you bring them. You will then essentially be taking a commission on every sale you make.
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You may also be able to get a selection of samples of premium business mailers for each potential client to take a look at, so they can see exactly what they are getting for their money. It’s worth getting a proper price list printed up professionally as well as listing everything on your website, since this will bring in more orders if your prices are reasonable enough.
Of course, you may simply want to set up a website that allows you to promote existing services without the hassle of providing them yourself. In this case you should look for an existing high quality printer that does premium mailers and has an affiliate scheme you can promote on your website.
The trick here is to create a site that provides information and advice for businesses who want to promote themselves in a better way than they do now. By revealing different types of products they can make use of – including the mailers – you can then draw their attention towards your affiliate links and simply reap the rewards if an order is placed through one of them.
This is certainly a business that can provide you with as much or as little work as you like. It all depends on how much time you have available and to what degree you want to get involved with your customers. Be sure to design your website according to your needs, as this can affect the success it will have.
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Make Money With A Retail Website

Make Money With A Retail Website
7 Easy Ways To Earn Extra Money Today to help you make ends meet - 2011 Edition1001 Ways to Make Money If You Dare25 Ways to Make Money Online: Your Complete Guide to Legitimate Online Jobs and Opportunities That Allow You to Work From Home And Earn A Paycheck

Selling goods online has been the route to success for many a small business that started on the kitchen table. The beauty of this money making idea is that you can start off as small as you like and build up as and when you have the funds to do so.
But don’t you have to have pots of cash to get started and you don’t need to clear out the spare room to make way for all the stock either. Read on to find out how it’s done from scratch.
So what would you like to sell? Whatever your interests are you can bet there are other people out there who want to buy items related to those interests, and those are the people you need to reach with your website.
To get your website in the first place you’ll need to either have one designed for you (the expensive option) or get a do it yourself kit (the cheap option). The do it yourself version is good enough to start with; once you’ve built up some sales and can afford a makeover then you can get a professional to design one for you. Just make sure your DIY version can handle a shopping cart and secure ordering.
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Once you’ve got your website you need stock to sell from it. You can go for the easy option here and enrol with one or two dropshipping sites; all you need to do then is post details of each item on your site and pass the orders along to the dropshipper when you make a sale.
But in truth you will make the biggest profits selling your own stock, so start looking for wholesalers that sell the kind of items you are looking for. For the biggest success try and concentrate on a particular niche – for example you could sell pet accessories, toys, bedding, fishing equipment and so on. By picking one niche and choosing a domain name which fits with that niche the keywords in the item descriptions on your site will get you ranked higher in Google and entice more people to come and take a look at your site.
Promote your website wherever you can, and make sure you get orders dispatched quickly to keep your customers happy. Provide a packing note, a re-order form and details of some of your other products in with every order you send out to encourage further sales.
It’s best to stick with a small line of products to begin with, and then reinvest your profits into more stock as and when you start to grow. Don’t forget you will have web hosting to pay for each month, although this tends to be a fairly small amount.
By starting slowly and learning as you go along you will be far more likely to succeed in the long term, since you won’t grow too fast and run out of money as a result. And don’t give up – even the most successful websites had to start somewhere! It can take a while to build up your stock and your customer base, but once you have you’ll be well on the road towards regular profits.
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Make Money Using Expired Domains To Set Up Pay Per Post Blogs

Make Money Using Expired Domains To Set Up Pay Per Post Blogs
7 Easy Ways To Earn Extra Money Today to help you make ends meet - 2011 Edition1001 Ways to Make Money If You Dare25 Ways to Make Money Online: Your Complete Guide to Legitimate Online Jobs and Opportunities That Allow You to Work From Home And Earn A Paycheck

Expired domains can mean big money for you if you know which ones to look for. But there is more than one way to make money from them, and starting a blog is one of the best ones when it comes to attracting traffic and making money from it.
But how do you get started? You’ll be pleased to know it’s fairly easy to get going, and once you’re used to the process you can set up more than one blog to really rake in the cash.
So you want to make money blogging? This is one of the best ways to do it. Firstly you need to look for an expired domain (we’ll assume you’re going to set up a single blog here, although once you’ve gone through the process once you’ll be setting up more in no time). These are easy to find – all you need to do is type ‘how to find expired domains’ into a search engine and you’ll get plenty of results for websites that allow you to search for a specific keyword for free.
Once you found one for a keyword that is likely to gain a lot of traffic, you need to buy it. Go to the cheapest source you can find for domain names and make sure you can register plenty with them, since you’ll be buying a few more once you realize how easy this is to do!
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Your next task is to set up a good quality blog which relates to the keyword(s) in the domain name. This is very important since it will be necessary to be accepted into the Pay Per Post program once your blog is thirty days old, and if you break any of their rules (which include not writing original posts and only sticking to posts that are there for the primary purpose of making money) your blog won’t be accepted. So long as you write some good and original content that is there simply to help and inform others about your subject, you should be fine.
The thirty day period also gives you the chance to make sure you have put at least ten posts on your blog (the minimum requirement) and started to attract some traffic as well.
Once you’ve reached that stage – and been accepted into the Pay Per Post program – you can start blogging for money. This works by accepting an opportunity to blog about a product or service which is relevant to the subject of your blog. Every blog post you accept and are paid for can be worth a minimum of $5 to you – and sometimes a lot more.
So you can see what the next step will be, can’t you? You’ll need to have completed ten successful posts to your blog before you can think about getting another one approved with them, but that gives you plenty of time to find another expired domain name on a popular subject that you can set up another blog with.
After a while you’ll get used to which subjects pay the most on Pay Per Post, so you can maximize your earnings while expanding your knowledge of fertile subjects. And don’t forget that you can still add your own affiliate links to your blogs as well, just so long as every post you make isn’t designed to bring in money for you.
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