"To me networking is about listening... everyone has something to say.
To me networking is about doing... unless you take action nothing happens."
If you have the time read the whole story at the link above.
If you are wondering how to get started then follow Steven's challenge:
"My challenge is a simple one - Take the first step.
If you start networking online, and simply create a profile on a website then sit back waiting for the world to beat a path to your door... nothing will happen.
You need to be the one who takes the first step.
Write a blog, and interact with the people who comment... then write another blog.
Write an email, and interact with the person to whom you sent it , then write another email. Greet people at meetings , listen to what they have to say. Repeat until you know everyone in the room. Take the first step if someone needs help and you (or the people in your network) can."
Good Networking!
Dave Clarke
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